I already knew that this was going to happen because of what I was going to do and what I did I just wanted to publish those songs/audios(not mine)from friday night funkin so that I or people could make a geometry dash map with that song and So that what happened would not happen to me I gave credits to the original creators of the song and after that they banned me and I was '' frustrated '' and that's why I wanted to criticize that ban they made me but I don't stay anymore what else to send this letter of history and explanation (I hope newgrounds doesn't totally ban me after this)
So, you knew that you were going to get banned for uploading stolen audio, but you still did it anyway? And you are frustrated because you are now facing the consequences of your actions knowing full well that what you did was against the rules? Sounds like you really didn't think this through.
Stolen content is not allowed here, even if you credit the original artist (crediting is not a free pass to use someone's work). Even Roptop has made a statement about this. I quoted his statement here:
hmmm... I don't know what to tell you literally but at least I learned something